dimanche 5 juillet 2009

New idea

And so what would happen if I evicted some object or other from my life every day? Where would I be materially further down the line? Would I have nothing left but the essential - what would that be? Would it become easier? Harder? How long would it take to get to the point where everything I have is loved and used?

I have been trying to "lighten up" , i.e. get rid of stuff rather than accumulate more of it, for a while now but I tend to do it in spurts and without much rigour. More needs to happen in that area. So the idea came to me that blogging my attempts might help me be more consistent. I like the idea and I intend to do it. I am back from holidays on August 3rd and I have until then to come up with "the rules". I think I will aim to evict an object a day and to blog about it once a week.

Temporary rules (more so I don't forget ideas while away wandering...)

1) At least one thing goes every day.
2) Anything that is not "daily rubbish" counts. Even perishables.
3) Something comes into my life, something goes out (except perishables).
4) Where it goes is important so in order of importance: to a better home for money, to a better home for free, to be recycled, to the dump.
5) I am doing this for me, it is an experiment. So no pressure and no cheating!!